World Series Of Mahjong Penalties
World Series of Mahjong: | Overview | Gameplay | Scoring | Penalties & Errors | Resources |
Errors in Dealing
- Wrong dice thrower: If the wrong player has casted the dice, the dice should be re-cast should this be discovered immediately. The play stands, however, if any player has already taken tiles.
- Wrong wall break: If the wall has been broken in the wrong place (or the wrong wall has been broken), this should be corrected if discovered immediately. The play stands, however, if every player has taken their first four tiles.
- Wrong dealer: If the wrong East player has started taking the first tiles from the wall, and the error is discovered before the correct East player takes his first four tiles, a misdeal is called and the tiles should be re-shuffled and re-dealt. If the error can be corrected (i.e. each player draws the right number of tiles) before the correct East player takes his 9~12th tiles, the play continues with correct East as the dealer. If the error cannot be corrected (i.e. wrong East already drew 13~14 tiles) after the correct East player has taken his 12th tile, he forfeits his right to be East this hand, and play continues with the wrong East player as dealer. The deal passes normally after this hand to the lower seat of the correct East player.
Errors in Drawing
- Drawing out of turn results in a long hand
- Discarding out of sequence results in a short hand.
- If a player touches a tile in the wall he forfeits the right to claim the current discard.
- If a tile has been discarded and the next player draws, another player may claim the discard if the tile was not mixed into the hand. The tile is replaced into the live wall. (I.e. the player drew too quickly before the call could be made). The next player to draw the replaced tile (if is not the same player who drew it in the first place) may take the replaced tile, or opt to designate the tile to be the next draw to the player who has already seen it and drawn the next tile in the wall. (This is to not give an unfair advantage to the player who has seen it).
- Wrong tile taken: If a player has taken the wrong tile when drawing or from the wrong end of the wall the play continues as normal.
- Exposed tiles: If a player exposes the immediate tile next in the wall and it is his turn to draw, he must draw that tile (i.e. cannot claim a discard) and it is treated as a live penalty tile.
- Exposed tiles: If a player exposes the immediate tile next in the wall and it is not his turn to draw, the next player may opt to drawn the tile or have the tile shuffled with alt least 12 other tiles in the wall.
Penalty Tiles
- If a player exposes his hand tiles, those tiles remain as open on the table as live penalty tiles. These are placed right to the player’s concealed hand separate from exposed sets.
- A live penalty tile may be discarded on the player’s current or next discard. Any other live penalty tiles become dead penalty tiles. Dead penalty tiles cannot be discarded.
- Penalty tiles cannot be used for a melded set or used for a win on a discard. (I.e. penalty tiles are used for only concealed sets)
- For Seven Pairs or Thirteen Terminal hands, penalty tiles may not be used to form a pair. A self-drawn tile would be needed to win.
- If a player inadvertently exposes tiles during the deal, one of those exposed tiles is exempt from penalty. The rest become live penalty tiles.
Wrong Tile Count
- If a player has too many or too few tiles he forfeits the right to win the current hand.
- Short Hand: A player with too few tiles has a dead hand and cannot win the current hand.
- Long Hand: A player with too many tiles has a dead hand and cannot win the current hand or claim any discard or declare a kong.
Wrong Tile Claim
- Wrong Display Corrected Immediately: If a player exposes a set but discovers that the tile claim is incorrect, he may correct it immediately. Any illegally exposed tiles become penalty tiles.
- Change of Claim: If a player claims a set but changes his mind for another (i.e. kong instead of pong), this is allowed without penalty if no tiles were exposed.
- Cancelled Claim: If a player claims a set, before any tiles are revealed, but change his mind or realizes his claim is illegal, he must reveal two penalty tiles.
- Improperly displayed set: If a player claims and displays an improper set, if it is too late to correct the mistake, the player’s hand is dead.
- False Win: If a player calls a false win, it is handled as Wrong display corrected immediately. Any exposed tiles become penalty tiles.
- Cancelled Win: If a player calls a win, prior to revealing tiles, and changes his mind, then the claim may be cancelled. Three of his tiles become penalty tiles.
page revision: 2, last edited: 11 Mar 2011 15:12