Washizu Mahjong Overview
Washizu Mahjong: Overview Gameplay Scoring Penalties & Errors Resources
Washizu Mahjong
Cover from Akagi Vol. 18
Cover from Akagi Vol. 18
Length 6 han chan
Tiles Used
Wall 136 tiles
Hand 13 tiles
Dead Wall 14 tiles
System Pattern-based
Unit Han, Fu
Minimum Yaku
Maximum Yakuman
Payout Winner Only

Washizu Mahjong described here is adapted from Fukumoto's Akagi, taking elements from the anime, manga, and video game. With transparent tiles, the game takes a step closer to a game with perfect information. However, one quarter of the tiles are opaque leaving the player is given the ability to bluff.


It is a variation on Japanese mahjong, developed by the fictional character Washizu Iwao. Although there are four players, the game is emphasized as being a team match with subtle collusion allowed between partners. In the Washizu story-arch Akagi takes on Japanese mogul, Washizu Iwao, in a life and death game of mahjong, betting his blood against Washizu's life savings.


Bams Cracks Dots Winds Dragons Flowers Seasons Jokers Red tiles
Tiles used 15px-Yes_check.svg.png 15px-Yes_check.svg.png 15px-Yes_check.svg.png 15px-Yes_check.svg.png 15px-Yes_check.svg.png 15px-X_mark.svg.png 15px-X_mark.svg.png 15px-X_mark.svg.png 15px-X_mark.svg.png
  • Mahjong set with 3/4 transparent and 1/4 opaque tiles
  • Table with a hole in the middle
  • Leather gloves (x 4)


chi (chow)
A sequence of three.
pon (pung)
Three of a kind.
kan (kong)
Four of a kind.
A tile which is worth one additional han.
Win on a discarded tile.
han chan
A two round game.
A homemade table.
A homemade table.
Unit of scoring
Unit of scoring (minipoints)
Win on a self-drawn tile.
Miss win.
Waiting on a tile to win.
A severe penalty.
Hand pattern necessary to go out on.


Drawing tiles from the table
Drawing tiles from the table

Players are arranged with the primary player from each team sitting across from one another. The secondary player or partner is the primary player's upper seat. The dealer is chosen by rolling dice. Note: In Japanese modern mahjong two rounds (han-chan) are commonly played.


The tiles remain shuffled and unseen in hole in the middle of the table. No wall or dead wall is built. Each player takes turns drawing two tiles at a time, starting with East and going counter clockwise, until all players have 12 tiles. East draws an additional 2 while (for a total of 14 tiles) and all other players draw 1 (for a total of 13). All tiles must be drawn using a leather glove to prevent feeling the tiles' surface. Seat and prevalent winds apply.

Dora Indicator

After all tiles have been dealt the dealer draws one tile as the dora indicator which is set aside for all players to see.

ve Japanese Modern Mahjong Series .
Japanese Modern Overview · Gameplay · Scoring · Penalties & Errors · Resources
Riichi Competition Rules Overview · Gameplay · Scoring · Penalties & Errors · Resources
Washizu Mahjong Overview · Gameplay · Scoring · Penalties & Errors · Resources
Variations Three Player · Two Player
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