Japanese Mahjong Set

Japanese Mahjong Set includes 144 tiles, scoring sticks, dealer marker, yakitori markers, and dice.


Japanese mahjong sets will include the tiles needed to play most forms of Asian mahjong but lack the joker tiles needed to play American mahjong. Included are also red five tiles (akapai, akago), which are specific to Japanese mahjong. Tiles will not be numbered. Also the White Dragon tile (haku) is completely blank.


1 Ii 2 Ryan 3 San 4 Suu 5 Uu 6 Ryuu 7 Chii 8 Paa 9 Chuuu
Sou-zu (索子) b1.gif b2.gif b3.gif b4.gif b5.gif b6.gif b7.gif b8.gif b9.gif
Iisou Ryanzou Sanzou Susou Uusou Ryuusou Chiisou Passou Chuusou
Man-zu (萬子) c1.gif c2.gif c3.gif c4.gif c5.gif c6.gif c7.gif c8.gif c9.gif
Iiwan Ryanwan Sanwan Suuwan Uuwan Ryuuwan Chiiwan Paawan Chuuwan
Pin-zu (筒子) d1.gif d2.gif d3.gif d4.gif d5.gif d6.gif d7.gif d8.gif d9.gif
IIpin Ryanpin Sanpin Suupin Uupin Ryuupin Chiipin Paapin Chuupin


Kaze-pai (風牌) w1.gif w2.gif w3.gif w4.gif
Ton Nan Xia Pei
Sangen-pai (三元牌) e1.gif e2.gif e3.gif
Hatsu Chun Haku


Flower tiles

Flower and season tiles are not used.

Red Tiles (akapai, akago)

b5red.gif c5red.gif d5red.gif
Red tiles

If this variation is played, a one five from each suite is replaced with a red five before playing. Upon winning a player earns an extra han for each red five in his/her hand.

Scoring Sticks (tenbo)

Like chips, are used to keep score. Sticks have different number of spots which correspond to different denominations. Japanese sets contain at least 68 sticks.

Japanese Denominations
Number Value Dots
4 10,000 5 red, 2 black
8 5,000 5 red
16 1,000 1 red
40 100 8 black

Dealer Marker


In Japanese mahjong only two rounds are played (East and South). The dealer marker is a rectangular piece of plastic with one side displaying East (東) and the other South (南). I When the East round is completed the marker is flipped around to indicate the new round. The dealer marker is placed to the left-hand side of the current dealer.

Yakitori Marker

Yakitori markers

Yakitori (焼鳥) is literally a roasted chicken. In mahjong, playing with the Yakitori rule is adding an additional penalty for any player who has not been able to win. Each player begins with a yakitori tessera, marker, or counter and removes it from play after they have won a hand. The loser in this case is a roasted bird or sparrow. This is a variation used in Japanese and Korean mahjong.


Mahjong Dice
Mahjong Dice

Dice are used to determine seating and wall breaking. Typical sets come with two to three dice. Any type of six-sided dice would suffice. However, mahjong dice are noticeably smaller than normal board game dice, with number one and four colored red and rounded corners.




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