Chinese Mahjong Set

Chinese mahjong sets typically include 144 tiles, a wind indicator, chips, and dice. They include the tiles needed to play most forms of Asian mahjong but lack the joker tiles needed to play American mahjong, and red tiles to play Japanese mahjong. Sets can be purchased with or without numbering.



1 Yī 2 Èr 3 Sān 4 Sì 5 Wŭ 6 Liù 7 Qī 8 Bā 9 Jiŭ
Zhú b1.gif b2.gif b3.gif b4.gif b5.gif b6.gif b7.gif b8.gif b9.gif
Yī zhú Èr zhú Sān zhú Sì zhú Wŭ zhú Liù zhú Qī zhú Bā zhú Jiŭ zhú
Wàn c1.gif c2.gif c3.gif c4.gif c5.gif c6.gif c7.gif c8.gif c9.gif
Yī wàn Èr wàn Sān wàn Sì wàn Wŭ wàn Liù wàn Qī wàn Bā wàn Jiŭ wàn
Tong d1.gif d2.gif d3.gif d4.gif d5.gif d6.gif d7.gif d8.gif d9.gif
Yī tóng Èr tóng Sān tóng Sì tóng Wŭ tóng Liù tóng Qī tóng Bā tóng Jiŭ tóng


Feng w1.gif w2.gif w3.gif w4.gif
Dōng Nán Běi
Dragon e1.gif e2.gif e3.gif
Fat Chong or Zhōng Pa or Bái


Flower tiles

Flower and season tiles are optional.

Wind Indicator

Wind Indicator

Wind indicators are used to display the current wind. It is usually held with East (dealer). In American mahjong it is referred to as a bettor, as a fifth player will use it to place is bet on which player will win. They come in different shapes and sizes. The most common forms are a rotating cylinder or disc, or a cube and its placeholder.



Mahjong Dice
Mahjong Dice

Dice are used to determine seating and wall breaking. Typical sets come with two to three dice. Any type of six-sided dice would suffice. However, mahjong dice are noticeably smaller than normal board game dice, with number one and four colored red and rounded corners.


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